Family Law

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Whether you require expert advice or need guidance on what legal steps to take, our top family law solicitors are able to help you. In addition to handling all family law matters, we conduct expert soliciting to reduce your stress and pain.

It is wise to take care of your finances once the relationship ends. Receiving legal advice from an expert can do wonders in a scenario like this. Other than the financial settlements, you have to take care of several other affairs. One of them is your children’s custody and welfare.

We will help you in effectively representing yourself and taking critical steps to improve your outcomes.

Sensitive Family Law Representation

Family law covers some of the most sensitive legal cases. Throughout the years we have stood with our clients and dealt with their matters with sincerity.

Our team specialises in their domain and they always look to deliver the best for you and your children.

We aim to appoint the best option for every case, which means you will be given a solicitor who is an expert in your problem. All you have to do is provide the details of the issues you are experiencing and we will pair you with a suitable family law solicitor in liverpool.

Our team can help you with your family matters such as,

  • Divorce
  • Child custody
  • Financial settlement
  • Cohabitation
  • Domestic abuse
  • Prenuptial agreement
  • Annulments
  • Mediation
  • Civil partnership dissolution

We understand if you are hesitant to hire a solicitor. However, you can request a free consultation call of up to an hour where we can offer expert advice which is super helpful.

How much will a solicitor cost?

At legal assist, we will assess your case the first chance we get and provide a detailed quote. This quotation will be based on our conversation and the plan of action agreed upon.

In order to provide you with the best possible assurance and transparency, we will provide you with a contract detailing estimated costs and a timeline, either on a fixed fee basis or on an hourly basis with staged payments on account.

If the case gets complicated, for example, the case is presented to the crown court then we might agree to change the fees and leave our standard fixed fee.

No win No fee serious injury claims

Our panel solicitors can handle your case on a no win, no fee basis which means there’s nothing to pay upfront and nothing to pay if your case is unsuccessful.

If your case is successful, our panel solicitors take between 25%- 50% from your awarded compensation. This varies amongst our panel members and will be dependent on the law firm we recommend you to as well as your claim type.

Full terms & conditions will be included in your solicitor’s agreement so please read this carefully and speak to them if you are unsure of anything before signing. For more information, please visit our No win No fee page.

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Clinical, Medical & Dental Negligence

If you had an elective surgery such as a total hip, knee or shoulder replacement, a complex trauma surgery or even a simple procedure which has gone terribly wrong, or perhaps you were misdiagnosed or your conditions worsened significantly after medical intervention, there may be grounds to make a claim for any malpractice which has caused injury, adverse effects, suffering or loss. This also includes child birth too. Negligence and breach cases come in many forms which can be genuine but costly mistakes, poor medical standards, or a serious breach of duty which can impact a patient’s health, safety, appearance, and wellbeing. Legal Assist has a dedicated panel of medical negligence solicitors which are specialists in complicated negligence matters. They have helped claimants all over the UK claim the compensation they deserve against the public and private health sectors. You can start a medical negligence claim within 3 years of finding out about the negligence or breach, or if you were a child at the time of the treatment, you have 3 years from the date of your 18th Birthday to make a claim.

Housing Disrepair

If you are a housing association or local council tenant that’s experiencing disrepair such as damp, mould, structural defects, and leaks in your home, Legal Assist has a panel of law firms which specialise in housing disrepair claims so you can seek the repairs and compensation you may be entitled to. Our panel members are experienced professionals ready to tackle any challenges you face. 

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